Selasa, 18 Desember 2007

Posting Blog dengan Copy Paste dari Word

Dengan copy paste, posting blog akan menjadi lebih efektif dan tentunya menghemat waktu dan biaya, mengingat biaya koneksi internet kita (Indonesia) masih cukup mahal. Posting cara ini dilakukan dengan mengetikkan postingan blog pada Word (atau bisa juga dengan pengolah kata yang lain) terlebih dahulu kemudian dicopy dan selanjutnya dipaste-kan pada lembar posting. Pada TIPS DAN TRIK KOMPUTER kali ini akan dijelaskan hal tersebut secara detail.

Langkah Pertama, ketik postingan Anda pada Word terlebih dahulu kemudian editlah sesuai kehendak kita, seperti format tebal(bold), miring (italic), garis bawah (underline) ataupun kombinasi dari ketiganya (tebal, miring, garis bawah).

Langkah Kedua, melakukan koneksi internet untuk memposting blog. Jika harus memposting di warnet, copy postingan blog kita tersebut di Flash Disk untuk kemudian kita buka di warnet tempat kita rental.

Langkah ketiga, login ke dengan username dan password yang kita punya, jika berhasil, kita akan dibawa ke halaman “DASHBOARD” seperti di bawah ini.

Langkah keempat, masuk atau klik New Post pada blog tempat nantinya kita akan memposting, hingga muncul lembar baru seperti di bawah ini, dengan mode Edit Html aktif.

Pastikan mode compose aktif, dengan mengklik “Compose” sehingga lembar postingan menjadi seperti ini.

Langkah kelima, buka postingan (versi doc). Kemudian pada lembar kerja Word, pilih menu Edit > Sellect All sehingga seluruh teks menjadi terseleksi. Kemudian klik lagi menu Edit > Copy, kemudian pindah ke lembar posting lagi.

Langkah keenam, klik pada lembar posting dan pastikan cursor mouse aktif (ditandai dengan berkedip-kedip). Kemudian klik kanan pilih paste, dan hasilnya seperti gambar di bawah ini.

Berilah label kemudian klik Publish Post, jika berhasil maka tampilannnya seperti di bawah ini.

Sekarang coba buka blog Anda, perhatikan bahwa satu buah posting telah berada pada halaman blog dengan format sama seperti documen pada word.

Selamat Mencoba

14 komentar:

aan 13 Januari 2009 pukul 16.42  

menurut saya lebih bagus lagi
Posting blog memakai tool editor posting seperti W.bloggar,seperti
yang saya pakai sekarang.trims.Salam dahsyat.

Anonymous,  20 Februari 2010 pukul 01.05  

hi iv played this game for a while now, and this website asked for you to fill a stupid survey out to get the cheat

[url=]bejeweled cheat[/url]

can anyone send me the cheat without filling in a form?

cheers in advance

Anonymous,  20 Februari 2010 pukul 06.15  

hey iv played this game for a while now, and this website asked for you to fill a stupid survey out to get the cheat

[url=]bejeweled cheat[/url]

can anyone send me the cheat without filling in a form?

cheers in advance

Anonymous,  20 Februari 2010 pukul 06.53  

hey iv played this game for a while now, and this website asked for you to fill a stupid survey out to get the cheat

[url=]bejeweled cheat[/url]

can anyone send me the cheat without filling in a form?

cheers in advance

Anonymous,  3 Maret 2010 pukul 03.50  

hi guys am newbie to the forum and i saw few people wanting the bejeweled cheat on
faceboook you can retrieve it from the site below

[url=]bejeweled cheat[/url]

Anonymous,  3 Maret 2010 pukul 04.24  

hi guys am new to the forum and i saw few people wanting the bejeweled cheat on
faceboook you can download it from the website below

[url=]bejeweled cheat[/url]

Anonymous,  4 Maret 2010 pukul 13.51  

The response to local and national disasters is awesome but it's a real shame that so many people take advantage of the sad situations.

I mean everytime there is an earthquake, a flood, an oil spill - there's always a group of heartless people who rip off tax payers.

This is in response to reading that 4 of Oprah Winfreys "angels" got busted ripping off the system. Shame on them!

Anonymous,  9 Maret 2010 pukul 12.08  


Words like global warming are generally too scientific to participate in - but, earthquakes and mass death cannot be another disregarded statistic. Hundreds of thousads are dead and homeless

[b]Please offer financial or volunteer assistance to Haiti[/b]

Anonymous,  14 Maret 2010 pukul 09.57  

Todd Cowle Municipal Bond Credit Report synthesizes, analyzes and presents aggregate credit information and trends in the municipal bond market. The report includes municipal bond rating information from the three major rating agencies – Moody’s Investor Services, Standard and Poor’s and Fitch Ratings.

Anonymous,  18 Maret 2010 pukul 03.35  

great-looking all leather boots have a moisture-wicking taibrelle lining and a shovel-friendly, triple-bar steel shank. Lightweight, flexible and ready to work. We carry all brands of workboots with a price, quality and customer service that can't be beat!!

[url=]Saftey Boots[/url]

Anonymous,  26 Maret 2010 pukul 01.30  

Greetings, my name is Sam

I just joined [url=][b]Thrive Learning Institute[/b][/url] and I really enjoy the online training seminars. I'm taking the real estate and wealth management classes and I love being able to plan my schedule the way it works best for me.

I am learning a lot about e-commerce. Saw something informative about Thrive and eBay as well as the eLibrary stuff they have available via [url=][b]Thrive’s[/b][/url] online courses. Are there any other Thrive Learning students in the Seattle area?

Anonymous,  29 Maret 2010 pukul 14.29  

Please give me some advice

This Evening I got a phone message from (972) 284-0600 / (972) 2840600 and was made to believe the call was a scammer.

I decided to complain to the the company and yell.

You will never believe it... Gulf Coast Western -an Oil Company- was calling me back who I interviewed with last month - we're calling to tell me I got the job!

Any advice or help on how I can fix the complaint - and get the job????

Anonymous,  31 Maret 2010 pukul 21.24  

Hello People...

Lately I've been looking for a iPhone type [url=][b]wifi internet search engine[/b][/url].

MSN & the ordinary Search Engines simply fail to work.

I'm trying to set my phone to work with [url=][b][/b][/url] - apparently does the job cellular phone search engine - but I thought I'd ask anyway.


Anonymous,  1 Mei 2010 pukul 12.36  

Hi - Simple Question....How much do you care about people?

[url=]Championship Promoter Beryl Zyskind[/url] supports peace

If 80k residents of your town we're hurt in an earthquake - would you help? - Since 80k people died in Chile's earthquake - have you helped? Perhaps you will consider helping - or is the world asleep while our neib just another statistic?

[url=]Captain Beryl Zyskind[/url] has raised for the children and victims of the Chile earthquake

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